Philippe Lemoine

Philippe LEMOINE
© Frédérique TOULET

Born in 1949, Philippe Lemoine is a graduate of the Institut d’Études Politiques de Paris (Public Service), a laureate of the Concours Général de Droit Civil, a law graduate and a graduate in political economy. He studied sociology at the École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales and mathematics at the University.
Philippe Lemoine works to shed light on the horizon of collective life in the digital age by building new articulations between thought and action. His work is based on three areas of experience: business, digital technology, and social debates.

Philippe Lemoine is Chairman of the Forum d’Action Modernités, Director and Chairman of the Remuneration and Governance Committee of the La Poste Group. A former CEO of Monoprix, he has also served as President of BHV, Cofinoga and Sygma Banque. As Co-Chairman of the Galeries Lafayette Group and Chairman and CEO of LaSer, he has always been committed to linking corporate action and responsibilities with reflection on forward-looking and societal issues. Member of the CNIL, President of the FING (Fondation Internet Nouvelle Génération) and of the Cercle 01 Innovation, he pays particular attention to digital technology and its contribution to society.

Philippe Lemoine is indeed involved in the mobilization of civil society through various initiatives. He is a member of the Board of Directors of the NGO Convergences, a member of the coordination of the Archipel Citoyen “Osons les Jours Heureux” and a member of the Orientation Committee of the Primaire Populaire, as well as administrator and treasurer of the Fondation du Collège de France.


